Read-based permissions to grant to the user for a given file path.
All fields are optional.
{ "downloadFile": [ "*" ], "getFileDetails": true}
An array of transformation URL slug patterns.
This array specifies which transformation slugs can be used when downloading files from this location.
•Use "*" to allow all file downloads.
•Use "raw" to allow raw/original file downloads.
•Use a * suffix to allow transformation prefixes. For example: "thumbnail-*" will allow thumbnail-sm and thumbnail-lg.
•Use any other value to allow specific transformations. For example: "thumbnail" will allow thumbnail downloads only.
•Use an empty array to indicate no file downloads are allowed.
Example: ["*"]
Type: String[]
Min Items: 0
Max Items: 10
Grants access to the GetFileDetails endpoint for files at this path.
Type: Boolean
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