Parameter object passed to the ListFolder method in the Bytescale SDKs.
{ "accountId": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID", "cursor": "aGVsbG8=", "dryRun": true, "folderPath": "/uploads", "includeFiles": true, "includeOverriddenStorage": true, "includePhysicalFolders": true, "includeVirtualFolders": true, "limit": 50, "recursive": true}
Your account ID.
This is visible on the settings page:
Example: "A623uY2"
Type: String
Length: 7
Pagination cursor. This is used to fetch subsequent pages of results from large folders.
To fetch the next page of results, you must set this to the value of the cursor field from the previous ListFolderResponse.
Pagination is complete when ListFolderResponse contains isPaginationComplete=true.
Example: "aGVsbG8="
Type: String
This parameter allows you to simulate a CopyFolder or DeleteFolder operation without performing the operation.
When set to true this operation will return the same set of items that would be operated on by the CopyFolder and DeleteFolder operations, assuming you provide the same folderPath and filter parameters to this operation as you do to the CopyFolder and DeleteFolder operations.
Default: false
Type: Boolean
Absolute path to a folder. Begins with a /. Should not end with a /.
Example: "/uploads"
Type: String
Min Length: 1
Max Length: 512
If true then files will be included in the result.
Default: true
Type: Boolean
If false then if a file's parent folder has overridden storage settings, the file won't be included in the result.
If you don't use folders with custom storage settings (like AWS S3 buckets), you don't need to worry about this setting.
Default: true
Type: Boolean
If true then folders automatically created by file upload operations will be included.
This field is automatically set to false when recursive=true.
Default: true
Type: Boolean
The maximum number of items to return.
The response might contain fewer items but will never contain more.
This limit is applied on the unfiltered result, which means the response may contain fewer items than the limit even when there are more items to return if you are filtering the result (via the include* flags).
Example: 50
Type: Integer
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 1000
If true then iterates sub-folders recursively.
Default: false
Type: Boolean
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