Data Types


Storage layer used for serving files from external HTTP origins.

This is a read-only storage layer.

"appendQueryString": "param1=hello%20world&param2=test",
"baseUrl": "",
"queryStringForwarding": {
"parameters": [
"name": "hello%20world"
"type": "Blacklist"
"type": "Web"

A constant query string to forward to the origin for all HTTP requests.

Example: "param1=hello%20world&param2=test"

Type: String

Min Length: 0

Max Length: 1000

Base URL to proxy requests to. Should contain a trailing /.

If baseUrl is undefined: then this folder will behave as an open reverse proxy.

Example 1: if the baseUrl is undefined and the folder you're configuring the storage layer on is:

Then you can issue requests such as:

Example 2: if the baseUrl is:

And the folder you're configuring the storage layer on is:

Then you can issue requests such as:

Which will be routed to the URL:

Example: ""

Type: String

Min Length: 1

Max Length: 255

Defines how user-provided query strings are forwarded to the HTTP origin. If left unset, no user-provided query strings will be forwarded to the HTTP origin.

Type: WebStorageQueryStringForwarding

The type of this storage layer.

Type: String

Value: "Web"

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