Data Types


Lists the remaining upload parts for a multipart file upload.

An empty array is returned when the upload is complete.

GET /v2/accounts/{accountId}/uploads/{uploadId}/parts
1curl "{accountId}/uploads/{uploadId}/parts" \
2 -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
Response (200)
2 "remainingUploadParts": [
3 3,
4 4,
5 6
6 ]

Your account ID.

This is visible on the settings page:

Example: "A623uY2"

Type: String

Length: 7

The ID for the multipart file upload.

Example: "Kd759aLFxttm69kZ"

Type: String

Length: 16

Add one of these Authorization header values to your request:

Option 1: prefix "Bearer " to your API key. The result is your Authorization header value.

Option 2: use HTTP basic authorization with apikey as your username and your API key as your password.

For advanced options, please see:

Type: String

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