Data Types


The same data structure as DigitalOceanStorage, but with all DigitalOcean credentials removed.

"bucketName": String,
"bucketRegion": String,
"type": String,
"bucket": {
"bucketName": "my-bucket",
"bucketRegion": "nyc3",
"objectKeyPrefix": "an/example/key"
"type": "DigitalOceanSpace",
"useAbsolutePaths": true

AWS S3 Bucket Name.

Example: "my-bucket"

Type: String

Min Length: 1

Max Length: 61

DigitalOcean Region.

Example: "nyc3"

Type: String

Length: 4

AWS S3 Object Key.

Example: "an/example/key"

Type: String

Min Length: 0

Max Length: 1024

The type of this storage layer.

Type: String

Value: "DigitalOceanSpace"

If true then writes S3 objects with full filePath as key, prefixed with the objectKeyPrefix.

If false then writes S3 objects using a relative filePath in relation to folder's path, prefixed with the objectKeyPrefix.

Type: Boolean

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