Text to appear in the Upload Widget's buttons and other UI elements. Defaults to the EN/US locale.
If you specify a custom locale, you must provide a value for every property in this data structure.
{ "addAnotherFileBtn": "Add another file...", "addAnotherImageBtn": "Add another image...", "cancelBtn": "cancel", "cancelBtnClicked": "cancelled", "cancelPreviewBtn": "Cancel", "continueBtn": "Continue", "cropBtn": "Crop", "customValidationFailed": "Failed to validate file.", "doneBtn": "Done", "fileSizeLimitPrefix": "File size limit:", "finishBtn": "Finished", "finishBtnIcon": true, "imageCropNumberPrefix": "Image", "maxFilesReachedPrefix": "Maximum number of files:", "maxImagesReachedPrefix": "Maximum number of images:", "orDragDropFile": "...or drag and drop a file.", "orDragDropFileMulti": "...or drag and drop files.", "orDragDropImage": "...or drag and drop an image.", "orDragDropImageMulti": "...or drag and drop images.", "processingFile": "Processing file...", "removeBtn": "remove", "removeBtnClicked": "removed", "submitBtnError": "Error!", "submitBtnLoading": "Please wait...", "unsupportedFileType": "File type not supported.", "uploadFileBtn": "Upload a File", "uploadFileMultiBtn": "Upload Files", "uploadImageBtn": "Upload an Image", "uploadImageMultiBtn": "Upload Images", "xOfY": "of"}
Example: "Add another file..."
Type: String
Example: "Add another image..."
Type: String
Example: "cancel"
Type: String
Example: "cancelled"
Type: String
Example: "Cancel"
Type: String
Example: "Continue"
Type: String
Example: "Crop"
Type: String
Example: "Failed to validate file."
Type: String
Example: "Done"
Type: String
Example: "File size limit:"
Type: String
Example: "Finished"
Type: String
Example: true
Type: Boolean
Example: "Image"
Type: String
Example: "Maximum number of files:"
Type: String
Example: "Maximum number of images:"
Type: String
Example: "...or drag and drop a file."
Type: String
Example: "...or drag and drop files."
Type: String
Example: "...or drag and drop an image."
Type: String
Example: "...or drag and drop images."
Type: String
Example: "Processing file..."
Type: String
Example: "remove"
Type: String
Example: "removed"
Type: String
Example: "Error!"
Type: String
Example: "Please wait..."
Type: String
Example: "File type not supported."
Type: String
Example: "Upload a File"
Type: String
Example: "Upload Files"
Type: String
Example: "Upload an Image"
Type: String
Example: "Upload Images"
Type: String
Example: "of"
Type: String
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