Specifies the folder settings to use when creating or updating a folder.
{ "description": { "set": true, "value": "This is an example folder description." }, "publicPermissions": { "set": true, "value": [ { "permissions": { "file": { "downloadFile": [ "*" ] } }, "scope": "Children" } ] }, "storageLayer": { "set": true, "value": { "azureStorage": { "accountName": "acmecorp", "blobNamePrefix": "an/example/blob", "containerName": "my-container" }, "credentials": { "sasToken": "param1=hello%20world¶m2=test" }, "type": "AzureReadOnly", "useAbsolutePaths": true } }}
Specifies the folder description to use when creating or updating a folder.
Type: PatchFolderDescription
Specifies the public permissions to use when creating or updating a folder.
Specifies the storage layer to use when creating or updating a folder.
Type: PatchFolderStorageLayer
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